Fine Arts Department

Art 1: Honeycutt
- Prerequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- Art 1 provides students with problem-solving experiences in two and three-dimensional media, emphasizing and focusing on the Elements of Design (line, shape, form, value, color, space, and texture), and Principles of Design, (Balance, Emphasis, Proportion, Rhythm, and Unity) While working to development basic skills of drawing from life and reference images.
Art 2: Honeycutt
- Prerequisite: Art 1
- Credit: 1.00
- Art 2 is the next level of Art for students to build upon their knowledge from Art 1. Art 2 will explore more, unique, and new mediums, more Art History, and dive deeper into the principles and elements of design, along with Gestalt Principles.This class has a higher level of difficulty of projects and helps lead towards more independent decisions and problem solving.
Band 1: Marsh
- Prerequisite: Middle School Band, Private Study, and Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- Band 1 is for freshman and beginning players of woodwind, brass, keyboard, and percussion instruments of the concert band. The course is a performing group preparing for concerts and also functioning as a Basketball Band. Guitar and bass players may audition. Class activities emphasize the development of instrument technique, tone production, tuning, fundamentals of music theory, music reading, and listening skills.
Band 2-4: Marsh
- Prerequisite: Band 1 & Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- Band 2 through 4 are continuation levels for students who have successfully completed Band 1. These courses emphasize increasing both their technical and musical development through concentration on the elements of music. Small ensemble participation is emphasized and students expand their understanding of wind literature through large ensemble participation. The fundamentals of concert performance are reviewed and opportunities are available to students for section leadership responsibilities.Emphasis is on the advancement of instrument technique, the further development of ensemble performance skills, and rehearsal and performance of intermediate level band music.
Band 3-4 Honors: Marsh
- Prerequisite: Honors Contract Agreement
- Credit: 1.00
- Band Honors (for Band 3 & 4) is an upper-level performance opportunity for accomplished wind and percussion players. Band Honors offers students great variety and challenge in musical performance, including experiences in chamber music, analysis, theory and history. Membership requires contract agreement.
Chorus 1: Haskell
- Prerequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- Chorus 1 emphasizes the development of basic vocal techniques and skills including good posture, tone quality, breath support, diction, and attack and release. Attention is given to the elements of music including music reading. Students may have the opportunity to sing in Latin and other foreign languages. Vocal independence is emphasized and the elements of music are reinforced through the performance and study of quality literature.
Digital Media Arts: Marsh
- Prerequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- Digital Media Arts uses computers and related tools to create and modify music. Students study hardware and software used in the music industry by producers, composers, mixers, DJ’s, and performers. Particular topics include hip-hop and techno, recording and mixing live bands, playing the keyboard, and creating soundtracks for video.
Drama 1: Haskell
- Prerequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- In this course students will develop basic skills and techniques of set design, acting, and directing and will participate in all aspects of a production. Intense study of a variety of plays and dramatic forms will be included. Students may be required to attend plays as assigned by the teacher/ director.
Drama 2: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Drama 1
- Credit: 1.00
- This course will enable students to study the history of theater and to participate in discussions and performances representative of various periods and styles of theatre. The emphasis will be on the development of techniques of acting, set design, and construction, and creation of costumes.
Drama 3 & 4 Honors: Haskell
- Prerequisite Drama 1 & 2, teacher recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- This course is designed for those who have taken Theater 1 and 2, enjoyed the class, and passed with an 85 or higher. It is an advanced class designed to build upon past educational experiences and enhance skills. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of various playwrights and plays that both influenced and were influenced by the changing philosophies of their society. They will also deepen their knowledge of play development and performance techniques. This course can receive honors credit which requires an honors contract and teacher recommendation.
Guitar 1: Marsh
- Prerequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- Guitar 1 is the beginning and intermediate study of guitar technique will include classical and contemporary styles of music while using both standard and tablature musical notation. Students learn the fundamentals of music and how to advance in skill on the guitar. Basic chord harmony and music reading are emphasized along with guitar playing styles, technology, maintenance, and group playing.
Guitar 2: Marsh
- Prerequisite: 85% or higher in previous Band level or Guitar 1
- Credit: 1.00
- Guitar 2 is the advanced study of guitar technique will include classical and contemporary styles of music while using both standard and tablature musical notation. Students continue learning the skills needed to be a proficient guitar player. Students must have taken Guitar 1 with Mr. Marsh and have approval to move up to Guitar 2.
Music Appreciation: Marsh
- Prequisite: None
- Credit: 1.00
- This course is focused on tracing the development of music throughout human history. There is a heavy focus on the development of classical music as well as American popular music. Students will learn to listen for differences in styles, eras, and countries of origin. The course will also study music around the world from cultures different from our own. Offered every other year.
Music Theory: Marsh
- Prerequisite: Guitar, Chorus, Band, Strings or Digital Media Arts, teacher recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- This course instructs students in the basics of music theory and emphasizes reading music, scales, chords, inversions, keys, traditional harmony, ear training, sight singing, and dictation. Students will compose musical pieces and study basic keyboard skills.
Musical Theatre: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Theatre 1, teacher recommendation
- Credit: .50
- Students will learn musical theater terminology and vocabulary in written and oral discussion. Students will explore all thee disciplines using a hands on approach: warm ups, song selection, choreography and scenes. Students will achieve understanding of the historical, creative, artistic, and aesthetic aspects of musical theater in relationship to American History. and they will gain knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural impact of the musical theater art form on society and culture
Orchestra/Strings 1: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Middle School Strings, Private Study, Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- Strings 1 emphasizes basic musicianship on individual strings or orchestra instruments. Students concentrate on developing technique, tone quality, range, and proper posture. Students receive concentrated instruction in performance techniques and have the opportunity to apply them through solo performance and chamber ensemble participation.
Orchestra/Strings 2: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Orchestra/Strings 1 & Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- Strings 2 concentrates on developing technique, tone quality, range, and proper posture. Students receive concentrated instruction in performance techniques and have the opportunity to apply them through solo performance and chamber ensemble participation. (grade 10)
Orchestra/Strings 3: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Orchestra/Strings 2 & Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- This course is a supplementary experience for students with superior musical talents. This course emphasizes basic musicianship on individual strings or orchestra instruments. Students concentrate on developing technique, tone quality, range, and proper posture. Students receive concentrated instruction in performance techniques and have the opportunity to apply them through solo performance and chamber ensemble participation. (grade 11)
Orchestra/ Strings 4: Haskell
- Prerequisite: Orchestra/Strings 3 & Teacher Recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- This course is a supplementary experience for students with superior musical talents. This course emphasizes basic musicianship on individual strings or orchestra instruments. Students concentrate on developing technique, tone quality, range, and proper posture. Students receive concentrated instruction in performance techniques and have the opportunity to apply them through solo performance and chamber ensemble participation. (grade 12)
Technical Theatre Arts 1-3: Honeycutt
- Prerequisite: Letter of Recommendation, 10-12
- Credit: 1.00
- Technical Theatre Arts is a class where students learn costuming, makeup, scene construction, and stage architecture techniques. The students work in partnership with the theatre classes and Technical Theatre Club to produce plays and musicals throughout the school year. Technical Theatre students will be expected to participate in the theatre performances as a production team, backstage, technical crew, or a ticketing and welcoming team.
Visual Arts Portfolio 1: Honeycutt
- Prerequisite: 90% or higher in Art 2, teacher recommendation
- Credit: 1.00
- Visual Arts Portfolio is an advanced art designed specifically for students considering a career in visual areas/related fields or those with a strong appreciation of art and design. The course emphasizes individualized exploration of specific art problems and revolves around the production of a visual portfolio. The students will study artists, techniques, and periods of art history in their fields of interest. They will build an online portfolio, keep up a professional sketchbook, and create 8 projects.
Visual Arts Portfolio 2 Honors: Honeycutt
- Prerequisite: 90% or higher in Visual Arts Portfolio 1
- Credit: 1.00
- Visual Arts Portfolio 2 Honors is an advanced art course that emphasizes the individualized exploration of a specific art career field. Students develop and maintain professional quality portfolios. This course prepares students for Advanced Placement studio courses, college applications, and more. Students in this course will be required to work with more intensity, at a deeper level, and produce a wider range of more difficult and complex materials. They will build an online portfolio, keep up a professional sketchbook, and create 10 projects.